India is among the top generator of waste and our recycling rates also have been low as well,
Among the various processes of managing waste, Upcycling is one way of giving a new life to a discarded product. It is creativity and innovation that helps transforming a discard to a new form to increase its life. From our #WStories of #Wastepreneur, we bring in the creative minds that have made an efforts to reduce the dumps to landfill and provide an alternate product line.

Madhvi Pittie along with her sister started WorkshopQ at age of 22. WorkshopQ is working towards educating people on upcycling and its importance through their designs and implementing using different waste materials. Their belief of upcycling is via “Awareness through Art” which they are using in their products and also working with the corporates who adopt EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) to manage the pre/post-consumer waste, promote employee engagement and support their recycling goals.
Their USP at WorkshopQ is to not let the end consumer know that they have reused waste, thereby not conveying any notion of “second-hand” goods.

"We are living in an age of a retail boom and constant purchase through online-offline sources throughout the year kept filling my wardrobe to the brim"
This is where Sujata came up with the idea of "Twirl" which aims to solve our problem of overcrowded wardrobe and upcycle old and discarded clothes. Remember you just need to reach out to them from anywhere in India and they would ensure a free pickup of your unwanted clothes from your home as well as free delivery of our unique upcycled products!
So together lets “Twirl” to a better world

Amishi Shah, with bachelor’s in Financial markets and Masters in International Management got inspired on social entrepreneurship while studying and after exploring lot of other things towards upcycling the waste she could realise that children are the right propagators of message to avoid the use of plastic and hence she thought of nurturing the minds. With this thought, Upcyclers lab was founded that made board games and learning tools for kids on environment to create awareness. Some of their products include board games on concepts such as waste segregation and ocean conservation.

Bhavini Parikh Textile Artist, Fashion Designer, social entrepreneur coming with 29 years of experience in clothing industry and her creativity mind made her to launch Bunkojunko which is focused on upcycling the waste fabric. At Bunkojunko industrial waste fabric is the raw material that is converted to suitable product fashion jewellery, home furnishing products.. We try to deliver the closest possible match but the pieces are never identical. To us it’s a wonderful process They also provide to the social and economic support to women who work for them. Thus, the main focus here is all about innovating and methods to save landfill, energy and water and provide the socio-economic support to the women workers.

Shazia Usman who is an IT veteran started her entrepreneurial journey through
Upciclo (India’s online market-place for upcycled, recycled, zero waste, and chemical-free lifestyle products). It’s a “voice for local” by promoting products that are made in India. Their product catalogue have many eco-friendly products which give a strong feeling of concern towards caring for nature.
"Upciclo is one stop solution for practicing a greener life."

Rimagined was setup with the sole aim of promoting Upcycling as a sustainable lifestyle choice. It reroute all types of low value waste that usually end up in landfill and bring it back into circulation in the form of high quality products. This way they not only pull back waste , but also avoid consumption of virgin resources that are fast depleting.
"I strongly believe that every individual can make a difference. All we need to do is consume only what is needed."
Make choices that don’t take away from nature. Let us not get carried away by western lifestyle choices as they are no measure for success. Simple choices in the day to day living can have a cascading and lasting impact that can offer a live-able planet for the future generations.

Dwij, means second life in Sanskrit (द्वि = Twice, ज = Born) was started by Soumya who is a Mechanical engineer (Pune) with Masters in Commercial Vehicles Technology (Germany). She started Dwij understanding the side effects of fast fashions in the textile industries with a mission to promote circular products made from upcycled post-consumer garments and post-industrial garment waste. Textile industry uses large quantities of water , oil and other toxic chemical that are used to produce synthetic fibres and free trade agreements between various countries has made it easy for brands to manufacture in countries with cheap labor. This has made the prices of clothes to fall leading to trend of fast fashion. Soumya saw this as an opportunity to upcycle the denims and create new products out of them at Dwiji.
Women Entrepreneur have been demonstrating the creative ways to upcycling waste and create an alternate product line for consumer to make choose towards a sustainable life. The need of the hour demands more innovative ways of managing waste and upcycling can be a great solution to it. This will also provide strength through social and economic support for the women workers who are mainly employed here. Thus lets make a choice of being green and upcycle the materials even at our home with our creativity to increase the life span of that product.
What are your thoughts on Upcycling as a solution?
Do you know any individual or Organization doing innovation in the field of Upcycling or managing waste, Do let us know and we will happy to feature them in our WStories
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