Milind Pagare, a man on the mission of public awareness about plastic waste and other social aspects. And surprisingly without any expectations from anyone in return for the work he does. Yes, that’s true. When I met him the first time I remembered a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, which is “Live simply and let others simply live”.
Generally, people get tired after retirement as they get a lot of free time and emptiness because of that. Milind Sir has a different story. He already planned what he wants to do after retirement and he slowly started working on his mission well before retirement in 2014. In his job he worked in the field of Heavy Fabrication, Refinery Plant Maintenance, Bulk Chemicals Logistics, Plant Erection & Commissioning since 1976 in India and abroad.
He witnessed people around him, a few of his colleagues died due to cancer. He initially thought of root causes as addictions like drinking, smoking, etc. But after studying further he also found that plastic is also one of the reasons behind increasing cancer disease and other health issues of today. So, when he was close to his retirement, he started plastic waste awareness programs in schools and public groups. He considers this now his full-time duty as a contribution to our country and planet since he got retired in November 2016. The “Stop Plastic Pollution! Save Life!” has become the slogan of his living.
He says, “Plastic pollution has reached right from the Mount Everest to the Depths of the Oceans”, and we ought to act upon reducing it.
He started with one school and slowly went beyond the city and states through his public reach of friends and family. He does this as a service to society and our planet, and that is why he does not ask for any charges for doing such sessions. Sometimes people who invite him take care of his travel and necessary arrangements, but he doesn’t mind to spend from his own pocket whenever he gets any such chance or invitation outstation. What a selfless service it is!
In the world where everyone is behind stacking more money for the next generations, here is this man, who is creating public awareness, so that our next generations live in a better world.

He talks about plastic, their threats to humankind and the environment, simple solutions to control plastic pollution, statutory provisions in waste management, and opportunities in waste management. He is a real example of one who is walking the talk. What he preaches, he already follows. He has reduced his plastic consumption to a greater extent and strives to live almost a plastic-free life.
His notable contributions include Maharashtra Plastic Awareness Tour from 2nd December 2016 to 14th February 2017 when he traveled 21 districts, 55 cities, 4360 kilometers to cover 101 awareness programs at various public groups and schools. He also does awareness sessions on behalf of the Environment Department Government of Maharashtra and Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. He is expanding his awareness mission by crossing the state borders. He has been to Karnataka, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and a total of 9 states for awareness.

He has started dressing up like Yam Doot (Yam Raj) to attract the seriousness of our bad habits towards the environment and in society during his awareness sessions. Simplicity is the way of his work.
This story teaches a lot about driving your passion by walking the talk and disallowing the buzz. He is open to any region of India to visit and do awareness sessions.
If anyone wants to arrange any such sessions in schools and communities, we can help you connect with him.
Definitely, this is a great service. When we know technologies come and go, but practices remain, we need more people like Mr. Milind Pagare, who work at ground to create mindset change and an impact.
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Hello readers, I am Bharati Koot aka #BBK. I am Software Crafter at "Nelkinda Software Craft" and Environmentalist, who always strives for better Software and a better World. I dream of clean India and the clean world so that our future generations can live happily. I believe in being the change that we want to see in the world